For successful women professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners on a mission to solve some of the worlds greatest challenges


Private 1:1 Coaching

with Rita Hausken


with Rita Hausken

DOES ANY OF THIS Sound like you?

  • You are mission-driven and looking to break free from the limitations standing in the way of being the most powerful version of yourself.
  • Your most powerful self is starting to show up and say “Enough is enough! I want air time and I want space and you better do something with what I have to say!”
  • You're successful but still asking, 'Is this it?' You constantly find yourself wondering, 'What's next?
  • You're a leader with a big vision, but you find yourself caught in constant problem-solving that doesn't move the needle.
  • You know it's time to take a step back, listen deeply to yourself, and make bold decisions.
  • You're constantly balancing your own vision and purpose with the needs of the organization you lead, feeling stressed and overwhelmed by constant work-related thoughts.

If IT DOES, I want you to know

I’m so glad you’re here.


Imagine unshackling yourself from the constraints that have dimmed your brilliance, stepping boldly into your authentic power, and presenting the true, unfiltered you to the world.

Picture this: you’re tapping into the wellspring of your inner strength, driven by an unrelenting curiosity and passion to create profound impact and legacy. Feel the shift as you navigate through the fog of self-doubt, fear, and emotional baggage, emerging with a crystal-clear vision of your mission.

Now, see yourself embodying confidence and liberation, your belief in your purpose so fierce and unwavering that no obstacle can stand in your way.

This is your moment to transform your vision into reality, and I’m here to support you every step of the way

It would be my honor to help you:

  • Unleash Your Authentic Power: Step boldly into your true self, breaking free from the constraints and external perceptions that have held you back..
  • Listen to your intuition: Take confident, aligned actions towards your vision
  • Clarify Your Vision: Gain a crystal-clear understanding of your purpose, driven by fierce curiosity and the desire to create a profound impact.
  • Turn Vision into Reality: Transform your mission into tangible results with unwavering support, focusing on the "who" that can help you rather than getting bogged down in the "how."
  • Navigate Challenges: Transform self-doubt, fear, and emotional baggage into powerful stepping stones that propel you toward your goals.
  • Step into greater leadership in your life and business every day in a relaxed, calm and joyful way, with lots of support, inner and outer.

If this sounds too good to be true, I’m here to tell you, it’s not.

This is the life I now lead, and

I want this for you, too.


Hi!  I’m Rita.

 When my son Benjamin was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, my world was turned upside down. I refused to accept the limitations placed on us and instead embarked on a mission to find new solutions and create a different future for him. This journey taught me the power of resilience, creativity, and the unyielding belief that we can overcome even the most daunting challenges.

What is this problem designed to solve?
I believe that every problem holds the key to solving a much bigger problem. This mindset drives me to continually ask, "What is this problem designed to solve?" By embracing this perspective with fierce visionary curiosity, I uncover deeper solutions and opportunities for transformative change.


How can we think differently to solve this challenge?
As the Founder of Shestainability, I am an award-winning Executive Coach, Trusted Advisor, and Speaker who has coached hundreds of women to confidently take their seat at the table and share their ideas and visions. With a proven track record of transforming organizational cultures, I support women in stepping into greater leadership and influence because I believe women bring unique solutions to the critical issues of our time.

Today’s organizational culture is built on the post-industrial revolution, factory floor thinking of 200 years ago. It’s holding back creativity, collaboration, and change. Which is why it’s time to stop conforming to outdated structures and start creating something new. By shifting from asking "how" to asking "who," we can unlock new possibilities and drive meaningful change.

I believe women possess a unique form of creativity and thinking that the world desperately needs to solve some of our greatest challenges. Einstein once said, "You cannot solve the problem with the same thinking and the same mindset that created the problem." Women are an untapped resource, and my vision is seeing millions of women around the world fully tapped into the greatest vision of their lives, driven by missions that are a MUST for them.


How can I transform challenges into opportunities?
My mission is to help YOU identify a mission so profound that it compels you to live a complete and fulfilling life. I ensure that busyness, stress, and pressure don’t hijack your life, guiding you to let your innermost values and vision lead the way in everything you do.

For 20 years, I worked as a Sales Director in the press, covering the oil and gas industry. Leading teams of over 20 people through some of the worst economic downturns, I experienced firsthand the challenges women face in traditional corporate structures. This led me, in 2017, to resign and start my own coaching consultancy.

I hold several professional certifications, including a PCC from the ICF and CPC, MP ELI from iPEC. I am the Co-Founderof Lean in Equity & Sustainability and Co-founder of Women Building a Sustainable Future Ltd. In recognition of my work, I was named Top Executive Coach by CEO Today in November 2022 and listed in the Transition Economists TE100 top 10 Entrepreneurs in the Energy Transition in December 2021.

Living in Norway, I embrace an adventurous spirit and enjoy diving, fishing, hiking, and skiing. I am passionate about supporting women to step into their power and transform their visions into reality.

My personal mission   is to bring visionary female leaders and their extraordinary ideas that bring sustainable solutions to the world. To take space, be brave, and create impact in a world that needs change.


Private 1:1 Coaching

Here’s What’s Unique About the Shestainability Approach:

You slow down to…
  • Remember what’s really important to you.
  • Listen to your body and your intuition.
  • Reflect. Dream. Be.
You gain clarity and…
  • Identify your unique purpose.
  • Discover your zone of genius and how to be in it more often.
  • Remember. Explore. Discover.
You experience greater ease and fulfillment as you…
  • Replace the inner critic with your inner ally.
  • Step into the highest level of confidence and trust yourself.
  • Transform. Attract. Receive.

3 Pathways of Support

Shestainability Coaching

6 Months

Over the course of 6 months together, you accelerate your progress and exponentialize your results by relaxing into being the version of you (your future self) who is confidently bringing forth your bigger vision.

Additionally, you’ll:

  • Change the habits and mindsets that have kept you stuck
  • Create new, life-affirming habits and rituals that promote new clarity and breakthroughs
  • Remember what it is you truly enjoy doing
  • Discover your talents and unique abilities that you’ve been hiding from yourself
  • Design a new path for yourself, personally and professionally, that is aligned with your purpose
  • Get step by step support with turning your dreams into reality

Available virtually.

Master Your Energy


In this in-depth VIP Day you’ll:

  • Identify your purpose
  • Clarify your 6 month vision
  • Develop strategies for achieving your vision
  • Discover how to get more done (of what really matters) in less time by mastering your energy

You could also use this VIP Day to:

  • Prepare for a big interview, presentation or difficult conversation
  • Explore ways to motivate your staff and get them thinking and working in a different direction
  • Up your game and improve your leadership skills

The VIP Day is especially suited for entrepreneurs and business owners. Available virtually or in person.

Next Level Purpose

2 Day Retreat

In this 2 day customized experience, we take a deep dive into a specific area, such as:

  • Clarify your next level purpose
  • Operate from your zone of genius more
  • Clear internal blocks (like your BS - Bogus Story) that are stopping you from dreaming bigger
  • Increase your confidence and trust in yourself
  • Identify your 6-month to 1-year vision

For two full days, we will focus entirely on YOU!

This is for current clients or women who are looking for big change, quickly.

The Retreat can take place at my summer house in Norway or another location of our choosing.

Wondering which level of support is best for you?

request a conversation

In a 30-minute consultation we’ll explore if we’re a match for embarking on this transformational journey together, and if so, which pathway is best for you. Scheduling a call does not mean you are committed to working together yet nor does it guarantee your acceptance as a client.

Private 1:1 Coaching includes:

Laying the Foundation Call with Rita

In this 2-3 hour zoom you’ll:

  • Discover and clarify the blocks that have been holding you back from having what you really want in life
  • Identify what opportunities are now available to you
  • Do a deep dive into purpose and values and begin to clarify what’s really important to you
  • Develop a plan for how to delegate details so you have more time and space to dream

We use the Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment as a foundation for our call. This powerful call helps us customize our work together going forward.

Weekly Calls (3 times/month)

In these rich 60 minute zooms:

  • Clear limiting beliefs that are blocking you from dreaming big and creating the more you desire
  • Explore themes in the ‘Shestainability’ model as they apply to your life and business/career (Topics such as self-awareness, morning rituals, trusting your intuition and more)
  • Feel seen, supported and understood


Daily Access to Rita

As you move forward outside of your comfort zone, making different kinds of choices, it’s only natural that you encounter obstacles requiring guidance and milestones deserving celebration.

That’s why you have access to me via Marco Polo (a free app) every day to get the support you need right when you need it, so you gain greater confidence and clarity as you navigate the highs and lows.

This high touch contact allows you to rest into support which also helps to accelerate your growth and transformation.

request a conversation

In a 30-minute consultation we’ll explore if we’re a match for embarking on this transformational journey together, and if so, which pathway is best for you. Scheduling a call does not mean you are committed to working together yet nor does it guarantee your acceptance as a client.

What Women Are Saying



I met Rita about a year and a half into starting my tech company. I wasn’t initially a business woman or entrepreneur—I’d been an engineer who loved tech, innovation and impact! So I didn’t know how to navigate this new terrain and had to learn about myself and the leader I wanted to be. 

Building a startup is hard. It requires resilience and hard work. I was under a lot of stress, working constantly upstream. I chose to find support so I could succeed to achieve my goals.

With Rita, I have learned so much about myself and my talents. It’s been a journey of 3 years that definitely changed the way I see the world and all its opportunities. Imposter syndrome no longer stops me in my tracks! I have learned to raise my voice in a male dominated environment, stand for my ideas, manage conflicts and run towards my vision.

My company has grown and has a bright future. I have brought a product from idea to market and built up a diverse and talented team (8+ employees). And yet it’s not overwhelming!

Rita and I started to identify my core values, my purpose and create a vision for my future that really inspired me. I understood the power of slowing down to accelerate. It was only an impossible theory to put into practice before I met Rita. Now I spend more time with my husband and children while also taking time for myself each day. 

My work with Rita is so important. She’s really helped support me grow into the next level of myself in a way that’s deeply aligned with what is most important to me. Thank you, Rita!

Flavie Gohin

Stavanger, Norway

Founder, Fishency Innovation

It’s been the craziest year of my life and without Rita, I don’t know how I would have coped. I’m stronger now—even more of a bad ass! But not in a ‘work harder’ kind of way. Instead, I've learned how to let go of trying to control the things I can’t control, which gives me more energy for the things I can control and that are more important to me. 

Through working with Rita I’ve come to realize there will always be things showing up in life that I can react to: but I don’t have to. I now have the communication and emotional skills I need to respond, not react, and set myself up for success in life and business. 

With her support, I was better able to cope with challenging situations I faced while working in a toxic and abusive company. I was also able to repair key relationships with family members by letting go of old triggers, blame and distrust.

I’m no longer working nights or weekends and am now a recovering workaholic. I’ve let go of seeking validation from others and am able to give that to myself. 

I never imagined that working with Rita would end up helping me overcome 20+ years of trauma…but it has. Rather than living a life centered around someone else's limited beliefs of me... I’ve found the confidence and courage to be happy and thrive in a life designed by me, and for me. Thank you, Rita!

Megan Corcoran

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Senior Enterprise Software Solutions Executive and Culinary Television Persona

Let’s explore together what else is possible

when you get the support you desire and deserve.

request a conversation

When I asked my current clients what they would say to someone considering working with me 1:1,

here’s what they shared…

Working with Rita is a commitment you make to yourself.

Rita helps you become more

aware of your strengths.

If you want a big leap, Rita’s the one to work with.

It's life-changing.

Rita helps women

discover their wings.

It’s absolutely worth investing the time and money. With Rita’s support, It’s possible to change your life—

if you’re willing to do the work.

Trust your instincts.

Don’t wait for a crisis to get support. You don’t have to wait.

You feel more powerful with Rita around.

After working in the oil industry for 20 years, I left to start my own advisory company. While I was excited about the challenge of growing my own business, I knew I needed a lot of support to thrive. That’s when I started working with Rita.

In our first year of working together, we mainly focused on my business and my interactions with clients. But as my business grew, and I faced more challenges at work, I also experienced more challenges at home.

I began to have migraines and was losing my hair. Rita saw all the red flags and with her support, I could no longer deny that I was unhappy in my marriage. I had been afraid to leave and wanted to try to make it work for my daughter. But when she started struggling with migraines herself and stopped thriving in kindergarten, I knew it was time to take action. Rita helped me build my support system, which ultimately gave me the confidence to leave my marriage.

During that time, I also returned to school to become a certified coach. I wanted to help other women break free from toxic, abusive relationships, like I eventually did.

Now I’m growing my coaching business and recently, I hosted a conference all about thriving before, during and after divorce. My migraines have stopped and my hair is healthy and curly again. My daughter is making quantum leaps! I discovered that as I kept doing my work with Rita and getting aligned with my values and mission, the more my daughter began to thrive at school and home because I was no longer ‘broadcasting’ my concerns to her.

I’m so grateful for Rita’s support over these last 4+ years and feel amazing about my future. I feel like I’m just getting started!


Camilla Calberg

Founder, Calberg Coaching

Denmark, Copenhagen

I’ve had the privilege to know and work with Rita over three years, including both a 6-month tailored program and a 2-day retreat. These experiences helped me clarify my vision, and gain the tools and the confidence required to achieve the success I sought.

In our first 6 months together, I came to Rita with a desire to exert more upward influence within the organization where I worked. What we ended up working toward was so much bigger (and better) than the original objective. With her support, I convinced senior leadership to create a new Research division and appoint me as its leader. I was thrilled with the opportunity to pursue my passion and vision and generate positive impact for our clients and the broader industry.

I sought out Rita’s support again several months later right before beginning a new higher-level role in a different company. I wanted to set myself up for success in my new role to define my vision for this next chapter of my life and ensure I was coming from my zone of genius and my power. I knew succeeding would depend less on hard knowledge (the masculine way of leading) and more on relationships and influence (the feminine way of leading, which required developing).

Rita developed a 2-day retreat that was a powerful and valuable mix of deep psychological insight and practical application. Rita also ensured we balanced the work sessions with downtime so I could rejuvenate mentally and physically. The downtime included things like massages and long, leisurely dinners that were deeply nourishing. I walked away from the weekend more grounded in who I am and with a robust toolbox of techniques to exert positive influence both in my new role and any other future situation.

What’s always impressed me about Rita is the time and energy she dedicates to her clients, and her deep focus and genuine concern. I can’t imagine moving forward toward any new goal without her support. In fact, I recently signed up yet again to do another 6 months with her 1:1 and have also joined her Mastermind. 

If you’re considering working with Rita, I encourage you to trust your instincts and explore the possibility. The return you’ll receive on your investment is huge, not only monetarily, but particularly in terms of personal fulfillment and joy.

Amy Bowe

London, England

VP in Environmental, Social and Governance for Africa Oil

Let’s explore together what else is possible

when you get the support you desire and deserve.
request a conversation


Rita Hausken, Founder of Shestainability, is a Leadership Coach, Advisor and Speaker who has coached hundreds of women on how to take their seat at the table and confidently share their ideas and visions. She has a proven track record of changing cultures in male-dominated industries by supporting women to step into greater leadership and influence. She cares so much about this work because she has seen how women bring unique solutions to important issues of our time.

For 20 years, Rita worked as a Sales Director in the press, covering the oil and gas industry. She led teams of 20+ people and navigated them through some of the worst economic downturns. Rita experienced first-hand the challenges women face in a male dominated industry, which is why, in 2017, she resigned to start her own coaching company. Now, Rita is on a mission to help women ensure that busyness, stress and pressure don’t hijack their lives, and instead, to let their innermost values and vision guide them and be at the forefront of everything they do.

Rita holds a CPC from Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and is an Energy Leadership Master Practitioner. She is the Co- Founder of Women Leading a Sustainable Future LTD and Co-founder and Chair for Lean in Equity & Sustainability and is a mentor for TechStars and Grunder Lab. Rita lives in Norway with her big family of six under the same roof. She has an adventurous spirit and loves to dive, fish, hike and ski.