Embarking on Your Mission: The Journey Begins Nov 07, 2023

Welcome back to our mission-unleashing series!

If you've been following along, you're already well on your way to understanding the key elements that drive extraordinary missions. In this fourth article, we're stepping onto the path of your mission journey. We'll explore how past experiences, the...

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Values: The Guiding Stars of Your Mission Nov 07, 2023

 I have an invitation for you! 

I’ve decided to run another Round Table: Unlock Your Mission, Elevate Your Life! 

Connect with your mission, engage in transformative conversations, and experience personal and professional growth—all for free. Join the waiting...

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Feelings: The Emotion That Fuels Your Mission Nov 07, 2023

I have an invitation for you! 

I’ve decided to run another Round Table: Unlock Your Mission, Elevate Your Life! 

Connect with your mission, engage in transformative conversations, and experience personal and professional growth—all for free. Join the waiting list for...

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Triggers: What Ignites Your Mission? Nov 07, 2023

Have you ever wondered what propels extraordinary individuals to take on the world's most pressing challenges and create lasting change? What is it that fuels their unwavering commitment to a cause? If you've ever pondered these questions, you're in the right place. Today, we delve into the power...

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The Unexpected Creative Surprises from Being Under The Weather Oct 05, 2023

I made a promise to myself early this year- a weekly newsletter for my community. But here's the twist: no rules, no set topics, just a commitment to show up. So if you're short on time, feel free to skip this one and gain an extra minute in your day. Go ahead!


Now, let's fast forward to...

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Tapping into Your Inner Drive: Recognizing the Triggers of Your Powerful Mission Oct 05, 2023

Have you ever felt such a strong drive inside you that no challenge could stop you?


It's that inner push that keeps us going, even when others say we can't.


Today, I want to talk about that drive, and how to recognize when you're on a mission so strong that nothing can get in your...

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What is Your Problem Designed to Solve? Oct 05, 2023

Today  I invite you on a journey—one that delves deep into the heart of our challenges, seeking the hidden messages they might hold.

Several months ago, I began a partnership with a top executive. 

Almost immediately, a persistent issue in one of the organization´s divisions...

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Success and Fulfillment: A New Outlook Sep 05, 2023

Have you ever felt like you're sprinting non-stop, chasing success, but somehow always feeling a step behind?

Let me introduce you to Frankie, a client of mine. On the surface, she's the epitome of business success. But when you peel back the layers, there's a soul yearning for more, a sentiment...

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Leaning Into the Edge: Transforming Struggles into Strengths Sep 05, 2023

Last week, while at Lake Como with the 4PC mastermind group, we didn't just scratch the surface. We dug deep, piercing through layers of comfort and confronting the shadows we often choose to ignore. 


For me, it was the haunting perfectionism and the appearance of being absolutely...

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Unlocking Your True Potential: The Transformative Power of the Three Most Important Questions Aug 07, 2023

“What do you see your life looking like in 25 years, Rita?”


That question, posed amidst the backdrop of a serene weekend in Røldal in Norway with my good friends, wasn't just a passing thought. It was a profound nudge, urging me to delve deep into the tapestry of my...

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Trading Control for Creativity: A Journey into the Unknown Aug 01, 2023

Two weeks ago, I woke up in the dead of the night, stricken by an excruciating back pain. I was crawling on the floor, panic surging through me.

It was 4 am, and all I could do was focus on my breath. Whenever I managed to find a position that eased the pain, my mind would race: "This can't be...

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Unleashing Female Leadership: Lessons from the Rainbow Lobsterā€™s Mesmerizing Migration Jul 31, 2023

Nature has always held a special place in my heart, and it is one of my core values.

From a young age, I had a profound connection with the natural world, but it wasn't always smooth sailing. At the age of 9, I had a terrifying experience where I almost drowned, leaving me with an overwhelming...

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